Posts tagged Holiday
One Survivor's Struggles

The truth is survivors struggle with holidays for many reasons. For me holidays were extremely stressful and depressing most of my life. For as long as I can remember, I would feel physically sick most holidays. My childhood pain and trauma would surface during the holiday season.

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Mannette MorganHoliday
Surviving the Holidays

I still remember how I felt throughout my childhood and young adult life at Christmas time like it were yesterday. Surrounded by my extended family, my stomach would churn with the distinct sickening feeling that came with intense fear and anxiety throughout my entire body. All I wanted was to escape my family, the farm, and, most of all, my abuser. Instead, I sat next to him in front of the Christmas tree with a smile on my face pretending everything was merry and bright. However, on the inside, nothing could be farther from the truth.

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